Database Integration

This section details the different objects (tables) present in the database and the features you can use in order to support methods to insert, update and delete information from it.


Represents a user. All information and definitions related to the user is stored in this table

Field Type Description
id int 64 changeable record identifier of a user. In iDSecure, each user edit results in an insertion into the Users table, with a new id.
inactive bool Indicates whether a user is inactive (If 0, it is active and if 1, it is inactive). Inactive users are still listed in iDSecure but have no access permissions.
Contingency bool Indicates whether a user is in contingency (1 indicates it is in contingency and 0 otherwise).
This value is only meaningful in the Enterprise version of iDSecure.
In contingency mode, user information is kept on the devices, so that users in contingency continue to have unrestricted access even if the server or network is down.
deleted bool Indicates whether a user is deleted (1 indicates deleted and 0 otherwise).
Deleted users are not listed in iDSecure and are kept in the database only in order to record the history of changes to a user for auditing purposes.
idDevice int Unique and immutable identifier of a user.
This value is persisted during edits of a user and corresponds to the user's "ID" information displayed in the iDSecure web interface.
idType bool Indicates the type of user:Person or Visitor. If it is 0 it is person and 1 is visitor.
idArea int Identifier of the user's current area (id column, from Areas table).
dataLastLog int Integer representing the date and time (Unix timestamp) of the last access by the user.
timeOfRegistration int Integer representing the date and time (Unix timestamp) of the user registration.

User Maintenance

As per the description of the id field of the Users table, iDSecure's behavior when updating a user is to mark the old record with the flag deleted = 1 and insert a new record with a new value in the id column and the updated user values. This is done in order to keep track of the history of changes to a user's information and is not required. It is important to be careful not to duplicate records in the Users table with the same id.

Example of modifying a user (updating an existing record)

UPDATE Users SET name = "Walter H. White" WHERE id = 1000001;

Example of modifying a user (creating a new record and preserving the existing one)

This behavior is similar to what iDSecure does when editing a user.

SELECT MAX( + 1, "Walter H. White", _u.registration, _u.pis, _u.senha, _u.barras, _u.cpf, _u.rg,,, _u.emailAcesso, _u.hash, _u.salt, _u.admin, _u.inativo, _u.contingency, _u.deleted, _u.idDevice, _u.endereco, _u.bairro, _u.cidade, _u.cep, _u.cargo, _u.admissao, _u.telefone, _u.ramal, _u.pai, _u.mae, _u.nascimento, _u.sexo, _u.estadoCivil, _u.nacionalidade, _u.naturalidade, _u.idResponsavel, _u.responsavelNome, _u.veiculo_marca, _u.veiculo_modelo, _u.veiculo_cor, _u.veiculo_placa, _u.idType, _u.dateLimit, _u.visitorCompany, _u.blackList, _u.dateStartLimit, _u.pisAnterior, _u.comments, _u.allowParkingSpotCompany, _u.idArea, _u.dataLastLog, _u.timeOfRegistration
FROM Users _u 
WHERE id = 1000001;

UPDATE Users SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = 1000001;


Access Rules Organization

An access rule is the set of information that determines whether a certain user has access to a location, at a certain time. In addition to the "Who", "When" and "Where" information, you can also specify some additional logic, such as re-entry blocking, escorting, etc. The access rules table is AccessRules and contains only the "How" information a user can have access, corresponding to the additional logics mentioned above.

The locations and times are defined in dedicated tables for this, Areas and Scheduls, respectively.
What associates areas and times with an access rule are relational tables, such as AreaAccessRules and SchedulAccessRules. Below is a description of the tables mentioned:

This table contains the information of AccessRules.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Access rule identifier.
name bool Indicates whether a user is inactive (If 0, it is active and if 1, it is inactive).
Inactive users are still listed in iDSecure but have no access permissions.
idType string Type of rule, regarding user or vehicle access control (Can contain the values 'users' or 'vehicles')


This table contains the information of Areas.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Area identifier.
name string Area name.
external bool indicates whether the area is external.
The definition of an external area is important for the use of some features related to a user leaving the premises. For example: download cards and expiration of Visitors when leaving a company.
ade bool Indicates if the area has Anti-Double Entrance enabled.
The Anti-Double Entry (ADE) is a feature used in areas with controlled entry and exit, preventing one user from granting entry to another at turnstiles, for example.


This table contains the relationships of Area to Access Rules.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Identifier of the relationship between an area and an access rule.
idAccessRule int Identifier of the access rule (column id, from table AccessRules).
idArea int Area identifier (id column, from the Areas table).


This table contains the information for Schedules definitions.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Schedule definition identifier.
name string Name of schedule definition.
sundayStart int Release /office start time, expressed in seconds from 0:00.
sundayStart int Release /office end time, expressed in seconds since 0:00.

* As you might expect, there is a pair of xStart and xEnd columns for each day of the week, starting with Sunday (sunday) and going all the way through to Saturday (saturday). * The name of this table contains a typo, and for compatibility reasons its name should not be changed.


This table contains the relationships of SchedulAccessRules definitions with Access Rules.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Identifier of the relationship between a schedule definition and an access rule.
idAccessRule int Identifier of the access rule (id column, from AccessRules table).
idSchedul int Schedule definition identifier (id column, from Scheduls table).


This table contains the relationships of People and Visitors with Access Rules.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Identifier of the relationship between a user belonging to an access rule.
idAccessRule int Identifier of the access rule (column id, from table AccessRules).
idUser int user identifier (id column, from the Users table).
isEscort int Indicates whether the department or group contains escorts, for use with the escort functionality (Check completion of the EscortEnabled and EscortPeriod columns of the AccessRules table).


This table contains the definition information for Departments, Groups and Companies.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Identifier of the relationship between a user belonging to a department, group or company.
idUser int Identifier of the access rule (id column, from the AccessRules table).
disableADE bool Indicates whether Anti-Double Entry settings are disabled for this department, group or company.
idType int Type of the record, indicating whether it is a department, group or company
(Possible values: 0=Department, 1=Group, 2=Company).


This table contains the relationships of People and Visitors to Departments, Groups and Companies.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Department, group or company identifier.
idUser int* int Department, group or company name.
idGroup int department, group or company identifier (id column of the Groups table).
isVisitor bool Indicates whether the group is a visitor group.


This table contains the relationships of Departments, Groups and Companies with Access Rules.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Identifier of the relationship between a department, group or company belonging to an access rule.
idAccessRule int Identifier of the user (id column, from the Users table).
idGroup int Department, group or company identifier (id column, from Groups table).
isEscort bool

Example of associating a user to an access rule, by user ID

Inserts user ID number 1000001 into access rule ID 1 ("Always Free" rule by default).

INSERT INTO UserAccessRules (idAccessRule, idUser) VALUES (1, 1000001);

Example of associating a user to a department, group, or company

Inserts user ID number 1000001 into ID group 1 ("Standard Department" by default).

INSERT INTO Groups (idGroup, idUser) VALUES (1, 1000001);

You can create departments and access rules using iDSecure's own user interface, configuring them as needed, and just insert users into the appropriate departments.


All user access logs are stored in the Logs table of the iDSecure database.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Access Log Identifier.
idDevice int Device identifier of the device accessed (id column of the Devices table).
deviceName string Name of the device being accessed (name column of the Devices table)
time* int Integer representing the date and time (Unix timestamp) of the access
event int Type of access event. Possible events:
1=Invalid equipment;
2=Invalid identification rule parameters;
3=Not identified;
4=Pending identification;5=Timeout on identification;
6=Access denied;
7=Access allowed;
8=Pending access;
11=Opening by pushbutton;
12=Opening by Web interface (or "Open door" command);
13=Drop out;
idArea int Identifier of the accessed area (id column of the Areas table).
area string Name of the accessed area (name column of the Areas table).
reader string Reader through which the access was performed (reader column of the DeviceRelays table).
idUser int Identifier of the user who performed the access (id column of the Users table).

Example of a query of the last 10 authorized accesses of a user

SELECT,, l.idDevice, l.deviceName, l.reader, l.idArea, l.area, l.event, l.time
FROM Logs l
INNER JOIN Users u ON l.idUser =
WHERE l.idUser = 1000001 AND l.event = 7


This table contains information about the registered cards.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Card identifier.
idUser int ID of the user to whom the card belongs. It corresponds to the "id" field of the Users table.
number int Card code in numeric format. In case of cards in "area,code" and hexadecimal format,
this value is converted to numeric format and stored in this field.
idType int Integer representing whether the tag is intended for a person or a vehicle,
if it has the value 1 = person, if it has the value 2 = vehicle
type int Card technology: "0" for ASK/125kHz, "1" for Mifare and "2" for QR-Code.
numberStr string Card code in String format. Useful for cards whose code contains hexadecimal or area characters and code.


This table contains information about registered devices.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Device identifier.
name string Device Definition Name.
host int String containing the device's host.
port int Integer representing the port on which the device is listening.
serial string String containing the device's serial number.
versão string String containing the software version.