
The reports aim to chronologically list the accesses and alarms that occurred at certain time intervals.

Access report

To view the Access Report, access [MENU] -> [REPORTS] -> [ACCESS]. The report filter screen will appear:

Select the departments you want to view and then select the users you want to include in the report. Then select the start date and end date of the period you want to consider in the report. Finally, select whether you want only authorized accesses to be displayed, selecting the item “Authorized only”.

After setting the filter, click [CREATE] to view the report.

The report screen shall appear:

The reports screen displays the reports in reverse chronological order, with the most recent accesses displayed before the oldest one.

The users displayed in green are the ones who have been granted access. The ones shown in red are the ones that were denied access.

To export the report, insert a flash drive into the USB port and click [EXPORT] and then [OK].

Alarm report

To view the Alarm Report, access [MENU] -> [REPORTS] -> [ALARMS].

The report filter screen will appear:

Select which alarm causes you want to view (an alarm cause is what caused the alarm, it could be an internal sensor trip, a panic finger, etc).

Then select the start date and end date of the period you want to consider in the report. Finally, select whether you want only alarms that have been activated to be displayed by selecting the item “Triggered only”. After setting the filter click [CREATE]. The report screen will be displayed:

The reports screen displays reports in reverse chronological order, with the most recently triggered alarms displayed before the oldest.

The alarms displayed in red are the ones that have been triggered. The ones shown in green are the ones that have been disabled.

To export the report, insert a flash drive into the USB port and click [EXPORT] and then [OK].