On the home screen click [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [USERS]. The user management screen will be displayed:
It lists all registered users. To browse the screen, use the side menu arrows:
You can search for a user by name or ID. To do so, click on the [SEARCH] field and enter the user’s name or ID in the text editing screen. Then, click [CONFIRM] to perform the search.
Initial considerations
iDFlex associates each user with a single person who wants to have access to the area where the device is installed.
Warning: Although it is possible to associate more than one person to a single user (by registering the fingerprint of several people in a single user or by sharing the access id and password) this practice is not recommended, since it makes it impossible to determine the person who actually used that device at the time the user’s access was registered, which could impair the consistency of the data presented in the access and alarm reports.
Each user can have the following attributes:
- ID: The ID is the numeric value responsible for identifying the user. It must be unique, greater than 0, and have a maximum of 15 digits. When opening the user editing screen, an ID is suggested, but this can be changed by clicking on the edit field that contains the ID;
- Name: each user can optionally have a name that facilitates their identification in places such as reports and user lists. By default, this field is left blank;
- Departments: set of departments to which the user belongs;
- Fingerprints: set of fingerprints that will be used to identify the user. Each user can have up to 10 fingerprints registered;
- Proximity Card: set of proximity cards that will be used to identify the user;
- Password: numeric password that will be used to identify the user;
- Privilege level: identifies whether the user in question is one of the device’s administrators or a ordinary user;
- Schedules: set of schedules in which the user’s access will be released;
- Registry: each user can optionally have a registry for registration purposes. registry is not a method of user identification and cannot be referenced elsewhere;
- Panic finger: Digital that, like the others, identifies the user and grants access, but which also signals that the entry is being made through coercion. Users can be managed either through the Graphical Interface or through the Web Interface.
Instructions on how to register, edit and remove users are below.
User Creation
To register a new user, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [USERS] and click [ADD]. A screen like the image below shall appear: Fill in the ID and optionally the username by clicking on the corresponding fields. In case you want to link the user to a department other than the “Standard”, click on the [DEPARTMENT] tab and select the departments you want to associate, by clicking [OK] then.
Warning: The user will be automatically linked to the access schedules of the departments to which he works for.
Register the types of user identification, as described in the following sections.
In case you want to access advanced settings, click on [ADVANCED]. You will be redirected to the advanced options screen:
To link a user to one or more schedules, click on [SCHEDULES] and select the schedules you want to link, then click [OK].
Warning: When one or more schedules are linked directly to a user, ALL the schedules of the departments to which the user works for will be disregarded.
To mark the user as “Administrator” select the corresponding checkbox.
Warning: Every user with administrator status must have at least one type of authentication, be it biometric, proximity card or password. Warning: As soon as there is at least one user with administrator status registered on the device, access to the Graphical Interface main menu can only be done through an administrator’s authentication.
Finally, click [OK] to return to the previous screen.
To save your registration click [OK] on the initial registration screen and when asked if “Do you want to save the user?” click [OK] again. In case you do not want to save the user, click [CANCEL].
Fingerprint registration
Click on the button.
The screen below will be displayed:
Press the same finger on the biometric reader 3 times.
If the capture occurs correctly, the gray block should turn green. When the three blocks turn green, the system will display the message “Fingerprint successfully registered”.
Click OK to return to the user edit screen. In case an error occurs, the block will turn red and you must press your finger against the sensor again as many times as necessary.
In case you try to register a fingerprint that already exists in the system, the message “Digital already registered” will be displayed, indicating that you must register another fingerprint.
You have 10 seconds to register the fingerprint. In case this time is exceeded, the message “Registration time exceeded” will be displayed and the fingerprint registration screen will be closed, in which case it will be necessary to restart the registration process.
In case you want to return to the previous form, click [CANCEL]. To register several fingerprints, as soon as you finish registering the first one, click on the icon mentioned again, repeating the process for each fingerprint to be registered.
Cards registration
Click the button
Approach the card so that it is registered.
If the registration occurs correctly, the message “Card successfully enrolled” will be displayed. Click OK. In case the card is already registered, the message “Card already registered” will be displayed, indicating that you must register another card. In case you want to return to the previous form, click [CANCEL]. User association to schedules by default, a new user is always granted access. In order for this user to be blocked at specific times, it is necessary that some time be associated with their registration.
This association can be done in two ways: associating the desired hours to the user when registering or editing his/her profile in the [SCHEDULE] box of the [ADVANCED] menu, or associating a department (and consequently, their respective hours) to a user. For more information on schedules, see the schedules section. To associate a user directly with one or more schedules, on the user registration screen, click [ADVANCED] and then press [SCHEDULES]. Select the schedules you wish to link and click [OK]. Warning: When one or more schedules are linked directly to a user, ALL the schedules of the departments to which the user belongs will be disregarded.
User-to-department association
Each user can be associated with multiple departments. By doing this, the user inherits all the schedules of the departments to which he belongs. To make a user belong to one or more departments, in the user edit menu click on the [DEPARTMENT] field, select the desired departments and then press [OK]. For more information on schedules, see the departments section.
Panic Finger
Panic Finger is intended to release access to a user who is in a situation of
coercion. When using this type of authentication, access is granted. To register the panic
finger, click on the icon in the advanced user edit menu and proceed as if you were
registering a regular fingerprint
User Editing
To register a new user, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [USERS] and click on the name of the user you want to edit. To edit the information, proceed in the same way as described in the users section. To delete specific attributes of a user just click on the [DELETE] button, select the attributes you want to delete and click [OK].
User deletion
To delete a user, proceed to the edit screen as described in the previous section, click [DELETE] and select “User”. Then, click [OK]. Warning: Once a user is deleted, it is not possible to recover any of their data in any way. Access logs are still available but can only be located by ID (information such as username is lost).
Removal of administrators
When the device has at least one administrator, access to the main menu is conditioned to the identification of a user with administrator status. To delete all the privileges of the device administrators, go to [MENU] -> [SETTINGS] and click the [REMOVE ADMINS] button. Then, click [OK]. Warning: once administrator privileges are deleted, the process cannot be reversed and the menu remains open until new administrators are registered.
On the home screen click [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [DEPARTMENTS]. The departments management screen will be displayed: It lists all registered departments. To navigate the screen, use the side navigation arrows. It is possible to search a department by name. To do so, click on the [SEARCH] field and enter the department name in the text editing screen. Then click [CONFIRM] to perform the search.
Initial Considerations
Departments are used to group users who have schedules in common, making it possible, in this way, to associate a schedule to several users simultaneously. The attributes of a department are:
Name: the name identifies the department and is mandatory. The name does not have to be unique, although it is recommended not to duplicate department names.
Linked schedules: Department linked schedules are applied to users belonging to that department. It is possible to associate multiple schedules to a single department.
Creation of departments
To create a department, go to [MENU] -> [REGISTER] -> [DEPARTMENTS] and then click [ADD].
The department creation screen will appear:
Enter the department name and select the times you want to link. Then, click [OK] and when asked if “Do you want to save the department” click [OK]. In case you do not want to save the department, click [CANCEL].
Department editing
To edit a department, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [DEPARTMENTS] and then click on the name of the department you want to edit. Proceed as described in the previous section to change department data. Attention: it is not possible to change the name of the “Standard” department.
Departments deleting
To delete a department, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [DEPARTMENTS] and then click on the name of the department you want to delete. On the screen that appears, click [DELETE] and then click [OK]. Warning: when deleting the department, all schedules that were linked to users because they belong to the department to be deleted will no longer be associated to the users in question. Warning: the “Standard” department cannot be deleted.
On the home screen click [MENU] -> [ACCESS] -> [SCHEDULES]. The schedules management screen will be displayed:
It lists all registered schedules. To navigate the screen, use the side navigation arrows.
It is possible to search a schedule by name. To do so, click on the [SEARCH] field and enter the schedule name in the text editing screen. Then click [CONFIRM] to perform the search.
Initial Considerations
Schedules are intended to determine the schedule interval in which a specific user or departmental participants can be granted access. A schedule has the following attributes:
- Name: the name identifies the schedule and is mandatory. The name does not have to be unique, although it is recommended not to duplicate the name of schedules.
- Interval An interval is a period of time that contains:
- A time interval in which that interval is valid (e.g., 08:00 am to 6:00 pm); o Days of the week on which the range is valid.
- Each schedule can have more than one interval, and the access of the user linked to that schedule will be released in all intervals belonging to the schedule.
Creation of schedules
To create a department, go to [MENU] -> [ACCESS RULES] -> [SCHEDULES] and then click [ADD].
The schedule creation screen will appear:
- Enter the schedule name and follow the procedures in the next section to add intervals. Then, press [OK] and when asked if “Do you want to save the schedule?” press [OK].
In case you do not want to save the registration, press [CANCEL].
Creation of intervals
To create a new interval, click [ADD] on the creation of schedules screen. The creation of interval screen will open:
- Enter the start and end hours of the interval and select the days of the week that the interval will be valid. Then, click [OK] to save the interval or [CANCEL] to discard the interval registration. Repeat the procedure to add more schedules if needed.
After adding all the necessary intervals, your schedule registration screen should look similar to the one shown below:
Edição de intervalos
- Note that the days of the week when the schedule is valid appear in white, while the other days of the week appear in dark gray.
To edit an interval, tap on the corresponding interval and, in the window that appears, click [EDIT]. Edit the interval using the same procedures as above.
Intervals deleting
To delete an interval, tap on the corresponding interval and in the window that appears, click [REMOVE]. The interval will be deleted from the interval list.
Schedules editing
To edit a schedule, go to [MENU] -> [ACCESS RULES] -> [SCHEDULES] and then click on the name of the schedule you want to edit.
Proceed as described in the previous section to edit the time.
Attention: it is not possible to edit the “Always released” schedule.
Schedules deleting
To delete a schedule, go to [MENU] -> [ACCESS RULES] -> [SCHEDULES] and then click on the name of the schedule you want to delete. On the screen that appears, click [DELETE] and then click [OK].
Warning: When removing a schedule, all users linked to that schedule are prevented from accessing the controlled area at the intervals specified by that schedule. Warning: “Always released” schedule cannot be deleted.
Import and export data
iDFlex is capable of importing and exporting all data entered in it, except for some settings, namely:
- Internal Alarms
- Relay
- All settings menu items
To export device data, access [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [IMPORT/EXPORT].
Export data
To export device data, click [EXPORT] on the import/export screen.
Insert a USB flash drive, select the desired option and click [EXPORT], then click [OK].
The available options are:
Users: exports all registered users, with all data, including fingerprints, cards and passwords, to CSV format;
Synchronization: exports all device data, with the exception of access logs, to CSV format. This option must be used to transfer data from one device to another.
Backup: exports all device data, including access logs, to CSV format. This option must be used as a backup of data from the same device.
Access Logs: exports all access logs to CSV format. After the export process, a file with a .csv extension shall be created on your flash drive.
Import users
To import data into the device, click [IMPORT] on the data import/export screen.
Follow the steps below to perform the import:
1) Select “Users” and click [NEXT] to go to the next import step.
2) On the next screen, select how you want to resolve conflicts. Conflicts are situations in which a user with the same name as someone already registered is inserted through an import. The options are:
- Update: the information of the user already registered will be replaced by the information of the user being imported, but no new registration will be created. In this case, the user remains with the same ID.
- Ignore: the user already registered will be kept and the user coming from the import will not be registered. In this case, no information of the user already registered will be changed;
- Overwrite: the user originating from the import will be registered and the user already registered will be removed from the system. In this case, the user will get a new ID. Select the desired option and click [NEXT] to proceed with the import.
3) Finally, select what you would like to do with users already registered in the system and who were not in the import file. The options are:
- Keep: the user registration will be kept;
- Delete: the user registration will be irreversibly deleted.
4) Click [IMPORT] and connect a USB flash drive with the import file, click [OK] to perform the import.
On the import home screen, select “Synchronization” and click [IMPORT]. Insert a flash drive that contains the file with the exported data through the “Synchronization” option on the export screen. Click [OK] to import the data.
On the import home screen, select “Backup” and click [IMPORT]. Insert a flash drive that contains the file with the exported data through the “Backup” option on the export screen. Click [OK] to import the data.