Interaction with the device

iDFlex allows the user to interact with the device in two different ways: through its graphical interface displayed on its touchscreen and through its web interface.

Graphic interface

The graphical interface is accessed through the device's touch screen. It is possible to set up almost all aspects of the device, as well as register users, departments and schedules.

Status bar

The status bar displays status, operation and device usage indicators. The status icons present on it are:

Home screen

The date and time are displayed on the home screen, which will be recorded in the access log for each identification attempt. The result of the identification attempt is also displayed on the home screen, which can be: unidentified, authorized or unauthorized.

Standard command buttons

Buttons like the ones listed below may appear on all screens.

Text editing screen

Whenever a field has this icon, it means that it can be edited by a text editing screen, like the one shown below:

Combo Box

Whenever a field has this icon, it means that it has several items that can be selected. A screen like the one below should open when the corresponding field is clicked on:

Through the main menu, it is possible to access all the device’s functionalities:

  • Registration of users, departments and schedules;
  • Device settings;
  • Report display;
  • Alarm settings;
  • Push mode configuration.

All these options will be detailed in the next chapters of this manual.

To access the main menu, click on the [MENU] button on the home screen. In case there is a registered administrator, you will be asked to confirm your identity as shown in the screen below:

In this case, identify yourself normally by biometrics, card or password. If you have administrator privilege level the main menu will be displayed normally. If you do not have administrator privileges, the message “User does not have administrator privileges” will appear on the screen.

Web interface

Like this Graphical Interface, the Web Interface allows the administration and setup of the device, but with the convenience of using a browser.

Access to this interface is done through user authentication and password, which by default are both “admin”. It is highly recommended that the device administrator changes the device password as soon as possible to prevent unauthorized persons from taking control of the device.

To access your product's Web Interface, open any modern browser, preferably Google ChromeTM (available at, and in the address bar, type the IP of your device (for example: