User registration

For iDFlex to identify and authorize a user, the user must be registered. The registration process includes registering a unique user identification (ID) code, collecting at least one type of identification, be it biometrics, proximity card or password, and associating a user with a department or a schedule.

By default, the user is already associated with the “Standard” department and is not associated with any time other than those of the “Standard” department. The operator can choose to associate the user with another department or a different schedule if desired. For detailed information on user registration, see the users section

NOTE: In case a user is not associated with any department and at any schedule, he will never be authorized to access the area controlled by the device.


It is possible to set specific schedules when users will be authorized. Thus, if a user tries to access an area controlled by the device, outside the time defined for him, this user will be denied access.

The process of registering schedules basically consists of associating a name to the schedule and adding breaks containing: a time slot and the days of the week when the schedule will be valid.

It can be possible to associate a schedule with a department or a user. In the first case, all users belonging to that department are subject to the associated schedule. In case a user has a schedule associated with them, then the hours associated with the departments to which the user belongs are ignored and only the schedules associated with the user are considered by the system.

For more details on registering schedules and associating schedules with departments and users, see the users and schedules sections, respectively.


Departments serve to group users, making it easier to associate common schedules with a group of users. The process of registering a department consists of assigning a name and associating it with one or more schedules.

For more details, see the departments section

Users’ verification

iDFlex can offer up to 3 types of identification, and not all types of identification are present on all models. See the users section for more information. The 3 types of identification offered by the most complete model are:

  • Biometric identification: in which the user identifies himself by placing his finger on the biometric reader directly (Not available on the iDFlex Prox model);
  • Identification by proximity card: in which the user approaches an ASK or Mifare card, depending on the model purchased. The card must not be more than 5 cm from the device so that it can be read;
  • Password identification: where the user clicks on the area of the splash screen animation: and enters his identification code and his password.

Privilege levels

Each user registered in iDFlex has a privilege level. There are 2 possible levels:

  • Ordinary user: normal system user, can only identify himself;
  • Administrator: have access to all device options.

iDFlex comes from the factory without any user registration. In such situation, access to the device’s Menu is released until a user with Administrator privileges is registered. That is why it is important to register an administrator before starting the device operation, otherwise all users will have access to all iDFlex functions.