Internal Alarms
To access the internal alarms menu, follow the path [MENU] -> [SETTINGS] -> [ALARMS] -> [INTERNAL ALARMS].
The settings that can be changed on this page are:
- Door held open: Enables/Disables the open door sensor.
- Time to activate: Time for the alarm to trigger after the sensor is activated.
- Trigger time after relay closing: Time for triggering the open door alarm after the door has been closed by the relay.
- Door forced open: Enables/Disables the door tampering sensor.
- Debounce detection: Time required for the door tampering detection.
- Tamper detection: Enables/Disables the device tampering sensor. Attempts to remove the device from its wall mount will trigger this alarm.
Duress settings
To access the panic alarms menu, press the [PANIC] button on the internal alarms menu.
The settings that can be changed on this page are:
- Duress card: Enables/Disables the alarm triggered by holding a card close to the device for the time specified by the "Time to activate" parameter.
- Time to activate: Time that the card must be held close to the device sensor before the duress alarm is activated.
After setting the parameters, press the [OK] button to save and apply the settings.
Alarm Output
To access the alarm output menu, follow the path [MENU] -> [SETTINGS] -> [ALARMS] -> [ALARM OUTPUT].
The settings that can be changed on this page are:
- Enable audible alarm: Enables/Disables the sound alarm produced by the device when an alarm is triggered.
- Alarm duration: Time for the sound alarm to trigger.
After setting the parameters, press the [OK] button to save and apply the settings.