On the enrollment screen, you can add, remove, and edit the different data configured on the device. To access it, just follow the path [MENU]->[ENROLL]. In this menu, you can access user data, departments, schedules, holidays, and other configurations.
On the main screen press [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [USERS]. The user management screen will be displayed:
You can search for a user by name or ID. To do this, press the [SEARCH] field and type the name or ID of the user on the text editing screen. Then press [CONFIRM] to perform the search.
Initial Considerations
The iDFace associates each user with a single person who wishes to have access to the area where the device is installed.
Warning: Although it is possible to associate more than one person with a single user (sharing the ID and access password or registering multiple cards held by different people), this practice is not recommended, as it makes it impossible to determine the person who actually used that device at the time the user's access was recorded, which may harm the consistency of the data presented in access and alarm reports.
Each user can have the following attributes:
- ID: The ID is the numeric value responsible for identifying the user. It must be unique, greater than 0, and have a maximum of 15 digits. When opening the user editing screen, an ID is suggested, but it can be changed by pressing the editing field containing the ID;
- Name: each user can optionally have a name to facilitate their identification in places such as reports and user lists. By default, this field is left blank;
- Departments: set of departments the user belongs to;
- Registration Photo: photo of the user from which the template for facial recognition was registered;
- Proximity Card: set of proximity cards that will be used to identify the user;
- Password: numeric password that will be used to identify the user;
- PIN: security key that will be used to authenticate the user;
- Privilege Level: identifies whether the user in question is one of the device administrators or a regular user;
- Schedules: set of schedules in which the user's access will be granted;
- Registration Number: each user can optionally have a registration number for recording purposes. The registration number is not a method of user identification and cannot be referenced elsewhere.
Users can be managed both via the Graphical Interface and the Web Interface. Optionally, it is also possible to set a custom opening time for a particular user.
Below are the instructions on how to register, edit, and remove users.
Creating a user
To enroll a new user go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [USERS] and click on [ADD]. A screen similar to the image below should appear:
Fill in the ID and, optionally, the user's name by pressing the corresponding fields. If you wish to link the user to a department other than "Standard," press the [DEPARTMENT] tab and select the departments you want to associate, pressing [OK] afterwards.
Warning: The user will be automatically linked to the access schedules of the departments to which they belong.
Register the user’s identification methods as described in the following sections.
If you want to access advanced settings, press [ADVANCED]. You will be redirected to the advanced options screen:
To link a user to one or more schedules press [SCHEDULES] and select the schedules you wish to link. Then press [OK].
The device also allows customization of the door/relay activation time right after user identification via the "Opening time (ms)" field in the [ADVANCED] tab.
The PIN field is used to customize a new method of user authentication.
Face registration
Press the button
The facial registration screen will be displayed, showing the camera view. Position your face at an appropriate distance from the device and wait for the identification process.
If you are too close to the device or the face is poorly framed, a corresponding message will indicate that you need to position yourself better for the registration. If the face is well positioned, as indicated by the text message, just select [TAKE PHOTO] to register the image. If you want to cancel the registration, simply select [BACK].
It is important to emphasize that the registered face must be unique for each user. If you try to register a face already registered to another user, an error message will appear, and the registration will not be completed.
The facial registration process can also be started via the Web Interface.
Card registration
Press the button
Bring the card close so that it can be registered.
If the registration occurs correctly, the message "Card number (card number) successfully enrolled!" will be displayed. Press [OK]. If the card is already registered, the message "Card already enrolled" will be displayed, indicating that you should register another card.
If you want to return to the previous form, press [CANCEL].
Cards can also be registered remotely via the Web Interface.
User-to-schedule association
In user-to-schedule association, by default, access for a new user is always granted. For this user to be restricted at specific times, it is necessary for some schedule to be associated with their registration.
This association can be done in two ways: associating the desired schedules to the user at the time of enrollment or editing their profile in the [SCHEDULES] box in the [ADVANCED] menu, or associating a department (and consequently, its respective schedules) to a user. For more information on schedules, refer to the schedules section. To directly associate a user to one or more schedules, on the user registration screen, press [ADVANCED], then press [SCHEDULES]. Select the schedules you want to link and press [OK].
Warning: When one or more schedules are directly linked to a user, ALL schedules of the departments to which the user belongs will be disregarded.
User-to-department association
Each user can be associated with multiple departments. By doing so, the user inherits all the schedules of the departments they belong to. To make a user belong to one or more departments, in the user edit menu, press the [DEPARTMENT] field, select the desired departments, and then press [OK]. For more information on departments, refer to the departments section.
User editing
To edit an existing user, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [USERS] and press on the name of the user you wish to edit. To edit the information, proceed in the same manner described in the users section. To delete specific attributes of a user, simply press the [DELETE] button, select the attributes you want to delete, and press [OK].
User deletion
To delete a user, proceed to the edit screen as described in the previous section, press [DELETE], and select “User”. Then press [OK].
Warning: Once a user is deleted, none of their data can be recovered in any way. Access records remain available but can only be located by ID (information such as the user’s name is lost).
Removing administrators
When the device has at least one administrator, access to the main menu is granted only after the identification of a user with administrator status. To remove all administrator privileges from the device, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] and press the [REMOVE ADMINS.] button. Then press [OK].
Warning: Once the administrator privileges are deleted, it is not possible to reverse the process, and the menu remains accessible until new administrators are registered.
On the home screen, press [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [DEPARTMENTS]. The department management screen will be displayed:
All registered departments are listed here. To navigate the screen, use the side navigation arrows. You can search for a department by name. To do this, press the [SEARCH] field and type the department name in the text editing screen. Then press [CONFIRM] to perform the search.
Initial considerations
Departments are used to group users who share common schedules, allowing you to associate a schedule with multiple users simultaneously.
The attributes of a department are:
Name: the name identifies the department and is required. The name does not need to be unique, although it is recommended not to duplicate department names.
Linked schedules: the schedules linked to the department are applied to users belonging to that department. You can associate multiple schedules with a single department.
Creating departments
To create a department, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [DEPARTMENTS] and then press [ADD].
The department creation screen will be displayed:
Enter the department name and select the schedules you want to link. Then press [OK] and, when asked if “You want to save the department,” press [OK]. Otherwise, press [CANCEL].
Editing departments
To edit a department, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [DEPARTMENTS] and then press on the name of the department you wish to edit. Proceed as described in the previous section to change the department's details.
Note: It is not possible to change the name of the "Standard" department.
Deleting departments
To delete a department, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [DEPARTMENTS] and then press on the name of the department you want to delete. On the next screen, press [DELETE] and then press [OK].
Warning: When a department is deleted, all schedules linked to users because they belong to the department being deleted will no longer be associated with those users.
Warning: The "Standard" department cannot be deleted.
On the main screen press [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [SCHEDULES]. The schedule management screen will be displayed:
All registered schedules are listed here. To navigate the screen, use the side navigation arrows.
You can search for a schedule by name. To do this, press the [SEARCH] field and type the schedule name in the text editing screen. Then press [CONFIRM] to perform the search.
Initial considerations
Schedules are used to determine the time intervals during which a specific user or members of a department can have their access granted.
A schedule has the following attributes:
Name: the name identifies the schedule and is required. The name does not need to be unique, although it is recommended not to duplicate schedule names.
Intervals: an interval is a period of time that includes:
A time range during which the interval is valid (e.g., 08:00 AM to 06:00 PM); the days of the week when the interval is valid.
Each schedule can have more than one interval, so the access of the user linked to that schedule will be granted during all intervals belonging to the schedule.
Creating schedules
To create a schedule, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [SCHEDULES] and then press [ADD].
The schedule creation screen will be displayed:
- Enter the schedule name and follow the procedures described in the next section to add intervals. Then press [OK] and, when asked if “Do you want to save the schedule?”, press [OK].
If you do not wish to save it, press [CANCEL].
Creating time intervals
To create a new interval, press [ADD] on the schedule creation screen. The interval creation screen will open:
- Enter the start and end times of the interval and select the days of the week when the interval will be valid. Then press [OK] to save the interval or [CANCEL] to discard the interval registration. Repeat the procedure to add more times if necessary.
- In addition to the days of the week, it is also possible to associate the types of holidays during which the interval will be valid. Up to 3 different types of holidays can be specified. For more information about holidays, refer to the holidays section.
After adding all necessary intervals, your schedule registration screen should look similar to the one below:
- Note that the days of the week when the schedule is applied appear in white, while the other days of the week appear in dark gray.
Editing intervals
To edit an interval, press on the corresponding interval and, in the following window, press [EDIT]. Edit the interval using the same procedures described above.
Deleting intervals
To delete an interval, press on the corresponding interval and, in the following window, press [REMOVE]. The interval will be removed from the list of intervals.
Editing schedules
To edit a schedule, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [SCHEDULES] and then press on the name of the schedule you wish to edit.
Proceed as described in the previous section to edit the schedule.
Note: It is not possible to edit the “Always Allowed” schedule.
Deleting schedules
To delete a schedule, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [SCHEDULES] and then press on the name of the schedule you wish to delete. On the next screen, press [DELETE] and then press [OK].
Warning: When a schedule is removed, all users linked to that schedule will be prevented from accessing the controlled area during the intervals specified by that schedule. Warning: The “Always Allowed” schedule cannot be deleted.
On the home screen press [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [HOLIDAYS]. The holiday management screen will be displayed:
All registered holidays are listed here. To navigate the screen, use the side navigation arrows. You can search for a holiday by name. To do this, press the [SEARCH] field and type the holiday name in the text editing screen. Then press [CONFIRM] to perform the search.
Initial considerations
Holidays are special dates that can be referenced when creating intervals.
The attributes of a holiday are:
- Name: the name identifies the holiday and is required. The name does not need to be unique, although it is recommended not to duplicate holiday names.
- Begin Date: represents the start date associated with the holiday.
- Type 1: indicates if the holiday is type 1.
- Type 2: indicates if the holiday is type 2.
- Type 3: indicates if the holiday is type 3.
- Repeats: indicates if the holiday repeats.
Creating holidays
To create a holiday, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [HOLIDAYS] and then press [ADD].
The holiday creation screen will be displayed:
Enter the holiday name and its begin date. Select the type and whether the holiday repeats. Then press [OK] to save. If you do not want to save the holiday, press [CANCEL].
Editing holidays
To edit a holiday, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [HOLIDAYS] and then press on the name of the holiday you wish to edit. Proceed as described in the previous section to change the holiday details.
Deleting holidays
To delete a holiday, go to [MENU] -> [ENROLL] -> [HOLIDAYS] and then press on the name of the holiday you wish to delete. On the next screen, press [DELETE] and then press [OK].