Support visitors on the access control devices

Access control devices feature visitor support functionality. This is useful to allow the identification of temporary users who are not part of the organization.

Visitor registration is used to register people who access a certain area within a defined time. Visiting users are those who have access permission for a limited time. This expiration time is determined at the time of user registration. The parameters that determine the expiration time are begin_time and end_time. User data is visible in List of Objects

The access data of visitors with expired access, such as registered cards, biometrics, faces, and passwords, are deleted from the device database every day, 16 minutes after its daily restart.

Expired Users and Visitors

Access credentials from expired users, such as registered cards, biometrics, faces and passwords, are deleted from the equipment database every day, 16 minutes after the daily restart of the equipment.

For the versions V6.11.2+ (iDFace) and V5.8.10+ (iDAccess Nano, iDAccess Pro, iDFit, iDFlex, iDBlock V2 and iDUHF), it is possible to select the cleaning option between " all" (users and visitors), "visitors" (visitors) or "disable" (disabled) on the device's restart screen or via web. This is done via the clear_expired_users configuration parameter.

Example of a request

This request will cause only expired visitors data to be cleared. It's necessary to restart the equipment for changes to this parameter to take effect.

    url: "/set_configuration.fcgi?session=" + session,
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify(