Restart device

Restarting the device can be done in two modes.

POST /reboot.fcgi

Restarts the device with a valid session. The HTTP method used is POST.


  • This request has no parameters.


  • This request has no response.

Request example

Restarts the device:

    url: "/reboot.fcgi?session=" + session,
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json'

GET /reboot

Restarts the device without needing a valid session. This requires that the url_reboot_enabled setting in the general module has been enabled. The HTTP method used is GET.

Caution: This resource shall be used very carefully, as executing this endpoint will make the device to reboot. We added this feature to support situations for remote reboot of equipments when the application is no longer responding.


  • This request has no parameters.


  • This request has no response.

Request Example

Restarts the device:

    url: "/reboot",
    type: 'GET',
    contentType: 'application/json