Get system information

Get the following system information and statistics: time turned on, device time, size and use of RAM and flash memory, license, network information (IP address, network mask, and gateway), device serial number, firmware version, and standalone or online operating mode.

POST /system_information.fcgi


  • This request has no parameters.


  • uptime (JSON object): Specifies the uptime of the device. Contains the following sub-parameters:
  • days (int): The number of days of uptime.
  • hours (int): Hours of uptime (values between 0 e 23).
  • minutes (int): Minutes of uptime (values between 0 e 59).
  • seconds (int): Seconds of uptime (values between 0 e 59).
  • time (int): Date and time of the device using Unix Timestamp.
  • memory (JSON object): Contains information about the device's memory.
  • disk (JSON object): Contains information about the device's non-volatile memory. Contains the following sub-parameters:
  • free (int): Free space of device's non-volatile memory (bytes).
  • total (int): Size of device's non-volatile memory (bytes).
  • ram (JSON object): Contains information about the device's volatile memory. Contains the following sub-parameters:
  • free (int): Free space of device's volatile memory (bytes).
  • total (int): Size of device's volatile memory (bytes).
  • license (JSON object): Contains information about the license. Contains the following sub-parameters:
  • users (int): The maximum number of users available by the current license.
  • device (int): The maximum number of devices controlled by this device, according to the limit set by the license.
  • type (int): License type.
  • biometrics (JSON object): Contains information about the biometrics stored in the device.
  • max_num_records (int): The maximum number of biometrics that can be stored in the device.
  • network (JSON object): Contains information about the device's network. Contains the following sub-parameters:
  • mac (string): Device's MAC address.
  • ip (string): Device's IP address.
  • netmask (string): Device's netmask.
  • gateway (string): Device's gateway address.
  • web_server_port (int) : Contains the port of the web server in use.
  • ssl_enabled (bool) : Indicates whether SSL is enabled (HTTPS).
  • dhcp_enabled (bool) : Indicates whether DHCP is enabled.
  • ten_mbps (bool) : Indicates whether the connection is limited to a speed of 10 mbps.
  • dns_primary (string): Represents the device's primary DNS.
  • dns_secondary (string): Represents the device's secondary DNS.
  • serial (string): Device's serial number.
  • version (string): Device's firmware version.
  • device_id (string) : Contains the device identification number.
  • secbox_version (string) : Contains the firmware version of the secbox in use.
  • iDCloud_code (string) : Contains the code responsible for authenticating the device in the iDCloud.
  • online (bool): Indicates whether the equipment is working in any online mode.
  • online_available (bool) : Indicates whether the equipment can operate in online mode. It will be false on iDFlex and iDAccess Nano before the Enterprise upgrade (via license). In all other cases it will be true.