Create user password hash.

Return the hash of a given plain text password, the hash represents the user password and the salt used in your generation. Using this command twice with the same password will generate different hashes because the salt used is randomly generated and will be different for each call of the function. The HTTP method used is the POST.

POST /user_hash_password.fcgi


  • password (string): User password in plain text for which you want to generate the Hash.


  • password (string): Contains the hash of the given password.
  • salt (string) : Contains the salt used to generate the hash of the password.

Request example

Generating a Hash for password 'abc123':

    url: "/user_hash_password.fcgi?session=" + session,
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify({
        password: "abc123",

Response example
