Manage User Pictures

Use the functions described below to list, insert and delete user pictures on the access terminal. Note that these actions are unnecessary when operating in any online mode, except for users in contingency mode access.

Get user's photo

Gets the photo of a user specified by his id. The HTTP method used is GET. The contentType is image/jpeg. All parameters are sent via the query string.

GET /user_get_image.fcgi


  • user_id (int 64): Identifier of the user whose photo will be taken.


  • User image in jpg.

Request Example

This request returns the photo of the specified user.

  url: "/user_get_image.fcgi?user_id=123&session=" + session,
  type: 'GET',
  contentType: 'image/jpeg',

Get Photo List

Gets the list of ids of users who own photos, implemented from firmware version 3.10.0 and above. The HTTP method used is POST.

GET /user_list_images.fcgi


  • This request has no parameters.


  • user_ids (int 64 array): ids of the users that have photos.

Request Example

This request will list the ids of the users who have photos.

  url: "/user_list_images.fcgi?session=" + session,
  type: 'POST',
  contentType: 'application/json'

Example of a response


Insert user photo

Saves the photo of a user specified by its id. Unlike the vast majority of commands in this API, in this command, the Content-Type is necessarily application/octet-stream. Therefore, the image is passed in the Content of the POST method, and the user id is passed in the Query String. The size of the photo must be less than 1MB.

POST /user_set_image.fcgi


  • user_id (int 64): Identifier of the user whose photo will be assigned. This parameter is passed in the query string.


  • This request has no responses.

Request Example

This request will set a new photo for the user

  url: "/user_set_image.fcgi?user_id=123&session=" + session,
  type: 'POST',
  contentType: 'application/octet-stream',
  data: [bytes of the image sent]

Insert Photo List

This endpoint inserts a large number of users' photos. Remember that the access has a limit of 1MB per request. It receives an array of ids and images.

POST /user_set_image_list.fcgi


  • user_images (array): This parameter should be represented as a JSON object containing the members user_id and image (the image in base 64).


  • This request has no responses.

Request Example

This request will assign photos to users X and Y.

  url: "/user_set_image_list.fcgi?session=" + session,
  type: 'POST',
  contentType: 'application/json',
  data: {
      {user_id: <user id X>, image: <user image on base 64>},
      {user_id: <user id Y>, image: <user image on base 64>}

Delete user photo

Deletes the photo of a user specified by his id, an array of ids, or an "all" flag to remove all. The HTTP method used is POST.

POST /user_destroy_image.fcgi


  • user_id (int 64): Identifier of the user whose photo will be destroyed.
  • user_ids (array int 64): Array of user id's whose pictures will be removed.
  • dangling (bool): If set to 'true' removes photos not linked to users.
  • all (bool): If set to 'true' all users will have their photos deleted.


  • This request has no responses.

Request Example

Removes the photo of the user with id 123.

  url: "/user_destroy_image.fcgi?session=" + session,
  type: 'POST',
  contentType: 'application/json',
  data: JSON.stringify({
    user_id: "123"