Upgrade iDFlex and iDAccess Nano

The iDFlex Access controller can be found in Lite and Pro versions. The Lite version does not have the network interface enabled, therefore, it will not be possible to use the embedded web server. The Pro version, has an active network interface but it is not possible to enable the enterprise mode (online).

The iDAccess Nano, in the only version available, also cannot enable enterprise mode without first performing the upgrade described below.

Therefore, for both devices described above, it is necessary to upgrade to Enterprise Version and then enable Enterprise Mode (online), and the endpoint below allows this to be done remotely. The HTTP method used is POST.

POST /idflex_upgrade_enterprise.fcgi


  • password (string): Receives a password that must be provided by Control iD to enable enterprise mode on the device.


  • This call has no return.

Request example

Upgrades iDFlex to enterprise version:

    url: "/idflex_upgrade_enterprise.fcgi?session=" + session,
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify({