Upgrade iDFace

The iDFace Access controller is sold by default in its Lite version. The Lite version has a limit of 3000 faces and does not support SIP intercom. The customer can choose to purchase the Pro license to upgrade the device, which will increase the limit of faces to 10000, in addition to releasing the SIP intercom functionality.

To perform the upgrade, the customer must first contact Control iD and purchase the license. After that, with their license in hand, the customer can choose to upgrade in three ways:

  • GUI - Settings > General Settings > Upgrade Pro Mode
  • Web - Settings > Upgrade Pro Mode
  • API - Endpoint: /upgrade_ten_thousand_face_templates.fcgi

POST /upgrade_ten_thousand_face_templates.fcgi


  • password (string): Receives a password that must be provided by Control iD to enable Pro mode on the device.


  • This call has no return.

Request example

Upgrade iDFace to Pro version:

    url: "/upgrade_ten_thousand_face_templates.fcgi?session=" + session,
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify({
        password: "ABCDE12345"