iDBlock Next

The iDBlock Next smart turnstile (see has as components a main board and identification devices, namely: up to 2 iDFaces (according to model) and IHM (according to model). If desired, connecting the set as a whole to the internet involves a single external Ethernet network point, as the other connections are all internal, in an integrated switch, in order to enable communication between the components.

Each of the identification components can have the role of primary or secondary, as described in the next section. Once the roles are configured, all subsequent integration is done with exclusive communication with the primary device in the set. For example, it is the IP address of the primary that must be provided to the iDSecure software, which will inform changes like user registrations and access rules directly to the primary, so that they are valid for the entire set. In subsequent sections, other integration features for iDBlock Next will be listed.

iDBlock Next operation modes

Devices that are part of an iDBlock Next set must be configured to work in one of two modes: Primary Device or Secondary Device.

A device configured as primary will be responsible for authorizing user access to all secondary devices connected to it. Additionally, some features, such as user registration and access reporting, are not available on secondary devices and specific settings are automatically modified to remain consistent across the entire set.

It is recommended that the role configuration of each device in the set be done as soon as possible, as it is essential for the correct functioning of the iDBlock Next smart turnstile. It is also important to ensure that each turnstile has one, and only one, primary device, avoiding any conflicts during operation.

Configuring the operation modes

The operation modes in the iDBlock Next set can be changed using the API through the parameter catra_role, located in the sec_box module, following the table below:

Operation Mode catra_role
Device not in iDBlock Next 0
Primary device 1
Secondary device 2

Changing this parameter must be done carefully, because, to guarantee the integrity and proper functioning of the iDBlock Next set, changing the value of the catra_role configuration causes a restart of the equipment and the cleaning of information in its database (general and network settings are maintained) automatically. For this reason, it is recommended that there is a backup of important information before carrying out this procedure, in addition to not changing the operating mode frequently.

Regarding the primary device, other operating mode settings can be modified, according to the section Operation modes of this document. For devices configured as secondary, such settings must not be modified.

It is also important to highlight that the IHM must not function as a primary device if one or more iDFace is connected to the iDBlock Next and, if it is configured this way, the configuration will be automatically overwritten.

Example of request for primary iDFace or IHM

This request configures an iDFace or IHM as the primary device:

    url: "/set_configuration.fcgi?session=" + session,
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify({
        "sec_box": {
            "catra_role": "1"

Example request for secondary iDFace or IHM

This request configures an iDFace or IHM as a secondary device:

    url: "/set_configuration.fcgi?session=" + session,
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify({
        "sec_box": {
            "catra_role": "2"

Other important turnstile settings

Specific settings for turnstile control. All settings are also from the sec_box module.

Parameters from the module: sec_box

Field Type Description
catra_default_fsm string The turnstile operating mode. Controls which turnstile directions will be controlled or released. It should be "0" (both turns controlled), "1" (both turns released), "2" (anticlockwise turn released), or "3" (clockwise turn released).
catra_side_to_enter string Indicates which turn direction of the turnstile will be used as entrance. Values are "0" (clockwise) or "1" (anticlockwise).
catra_timeout string Indicates the default turn release time, in milliseconds. Ex.: "5000" for entry/exit release for 5 seconds.
catra_bio_sync_period string Time interval in which there will be periodic synchronization of biometrics between the primary and secondary devices, in milliseconds. Default value: "1000".
catra_sync_period string Time interval in which there will be periodic synchronization of users between the primary and secondary devices, in milliseconds. Default value: "5000".
catra_config_sync_period string Time interval in which there will be periodic synchronization of configurations between the primary and secondary devices, in seconds. Default value: "60".
catra_relay_1_enabled int Indicates if relay 1 of the turnstile is enabled. Values: "0" for disabled and "1" for enabled.
catra_relay_1_enable_direction string Indicates the direction of turnstile arm rotation release that will cause relay 1 to activate if parameter catra_relay_1_enabled is enabled. Values: "left" for counterclockwise rotation and "right" for clockwise rotation.
catra_relay_2_enabled int Indicates if relay 2 of the turnstile is enabled. Values: "0" for disabled and "1" for enabled.
catra_relay_2_enable_direction string Indicates the direction of turnstile arm rotation release that will cause relay 2 to activate if parameter catra_relay_2_enabled is enabled. Values: "left" for counterclockwise rotation and "right" for clockwise rotation.
catra_collect_visitor_card string Enables the exit of visitors with cards made exclusively by depositing the card in the collection box. Values ​​are "0" to disable the functionality and "1" to enable.

Example of request for primary device

This request configures a primary device with the turnstile parameters:

    url: "/set_configuration.fcgi?session=" + session,
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify({
        "sec_box": {
            "catra_default_fsm": "0",
            "catra_side_to_enter": "0",
            "catra_timeout": "1000",
            "catra_sync_period": "5000",
            "catra_config_sync_period": "60",
            "catra_relay_1_enabled": "1",
            "catra_relay_1_enable_direction": "right",
            "catra_relay_2_enabled": "1",
            "catra_relay_1_enable_direction": "left"

Access give up event

As with the turnstiles of the iDBlock V2 line, in standalone or contingency modes (see Operation modes), if an authorized access (event 7) is not followed by a turn event within the respective release timeout, this will become an access withdrawal (event 13) in the respective access log. See List of Objects for more details about access log events.

Monitor notifications

Also equivalently to the turnstiles in the iDBlock V2 line, iDBlock Next has the turnstile event endpoint catra_event in all operation modes. Events of turning right (clockwise turn), turning left (anticlockwise turn) , and give up access will be notified there, as documented here.

Identification events in online mode

In addition to the message documentation for events of identification in online mode, if the device is the primary of an iDBlock Next set, the following parameter will also be sent:


which follows the same formation law documented here and can be used to define whether the identification occurred on a primary iDFace, secondary iDFace, Collector's Wiegand or IHM (with decoded values "0MS1", "0MS2", "0WS0" and "0TS0", respectively), facilitating the correct management by the online server.

Exit of visitors

Visitors with a card must leave by depositing the card in the ballot box. This functionality must only be enabled when using a turnstile with a card collection box. Its configuration can be done via the WEB interface, via API or via GUI. The request to enable this option is shown below.

Example of request to enable visitor exit only by card

This request allows visitors to leave only after depositing a card in the ballot box:

    url: "/set_configuration.fcgi?session=" + session,
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify({
        "sec_box": {
            "catra_collect_visitor_card": "1"