List of Objects

See below the description of all access control devices objects, the list identifies some of the different types of resources you can utilize using the API and also supports methods to insert, update, fetch and delete many of them.


Represents a user.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Unique identifier of a user (required).
registration string Text representing the registration of a user (required).
name string Text containing the name of a user (required).
password string String that represents the user's password after the Hash process (to set this parameter, you must not use the plain text typed by the user, you must generate your Hash through the command user_hash_password. Likewise, acquiring this parameter through the command load_objects returns the password after the hash).
salt string String representing the Salt used to calculate the Hash of the user's password.
user_type_id int Integer that represents the type of registered user. For a user of type Visitor, this field is set to 1; for a User type, the field has no defined value (null).
begin_time int Integer representing from which date and time (Unix timestamp) the user is valid. If this field is set to 0, the check is not performed. If it is greater than 0, whatever the type of user is, after the date entered he will be a valid user.
end_time int Integer representing up to what date and time (Unix timestamp) the user is valid. If this field is set to 0, the check is not performed. If it is greater than 0, whatever the type of user is, after its expiration the credentials will be deleted as explained in Suport to visitors.
image_timestamp int Integer representing the date and time (Unix timestmap) in which the user's image was registered. If this field is set to 0, the user has no corresponding image.
last_access int Integer representing the date and time (Unix timestamp) corresponding to the last access made by the user. If this field is set to 0, the user has never been granted access.


Registration of operations (insertion, update, and removal) performed on objects: users, templates, face_templates, and cards. This record is important because from it we can map changes made to the device. That is, from it, you can obtain:

  • Records of insertions, updates, and removals of users.
  • Records of insertions, updates, and removals of user identification templates.
  • Records of insertions, updates, and removals of user facial templates.
  • Records of insertions, updates, and removals of user cards.


  • This record has a storage limit of 10 thousand operations. When it is reached, rotation occurs and only the last 10 thousand records will be available.
Field Type Description
id int 64 Unique record identifier (required).
operation_type string Text representing the operation that was performed (required).
table_name string Text containing the name of the changed object (required).
table_id int Integer representing the identifier of the object whose attribute was modified (required).
timestamp int Integer representing the time the operation was performed, in UNIX timestamp format (required).


Biometric data of users' fingerprints (hereinafter referred to as biometrics).

Field Type Description
id int 64 Unique identifier of a biometric template (required).
finger_position int Reserved field.
finger_type int Biometrics type common finger value 0 or panic finger value 1 (required).
template base 64 string String in base 64 representing a biometric template.
user_id int 64 Unique identifier of the user to whom this biometrics belongs (required).


Represents proximity cards.

Notes on the value field: This field indicates the card identification number for proximity cards (ASK, FSK, PSK), also known as Wiegand protocol.

  1. How to convert the card value to be sent in the API: The value to be sent is: [part before the comma] * 2^32 + [part after the comma]. Example: For the card 123.45678, you must send the value 123 * 2^32 + 45678, i.e. 528281023086.

  2. How to convert the API value to the card value: The part before the comma is called the facility code, which represents the integer part of the value. It is obtained by dividing the API value by 2^32. The part after the comma is called the card number, which is the result of subtracting the facility code multiplied by 2^32 from the API value: : [API value] - facility code * 2^32. Example: For the API value 528281023086: Facility code: 528281023086 / 2^32 = 123.0000106. So, the facility code is 123. Card number: 528281023086 - 123 * 2^32 = 45678. So the value of the card is 123.45678.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Unique identifier of an ID card (required).
value unsigned int 64 This field indicates the card number. Read carefully how to convert it to the value to be sent in the API. (required and unique, there cannot be two cards with the same value in the database).
user_id int 64 Unique identifier of the user to which the ID card belongs (required).


Represents the QR Codes used for identification. The QR Code has two configurable operation modes. The QR Code will only be stored as a qrcodes object if the Alphanumeric Mode is active, otherwise it will be treated as a card, being stored as an object cards.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Unique identifier of an identification QR Code (required).
value string This field indicates the content represented in the QR Code. This is also the value to be received from the API (required and unique, there cannot be two QR Codes with the same value in the database).
user_id int 64 Unique identifier of the user to which the identification QR Code belongs (required).


Represents the UHF tags used for identification. UHF tags have two configurable operation mode: extended and standard". UHF tags will only be stored as a uhf_tags object if the extended mode is active, in this case tags can be registered with up to 96 bits in nvchar representation and stored in hexadecimal, a "0xCAFEDAD0" tag will be stored as "CAFEDAD0". Otherwise, with standard" mode activated, the it will be treated as a card, being stored as an object cards.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Unique identifier of an identification UHF tag (required).
value string This field indicates the value of UHF tag. This is also the value to be received from the API (rmandatory and unique, there cannot be two UHF with the same value in the database).
user_id int 64 Unique identifier of the user to which the identification of UHF tag belongs (required).


Represents the PINs used for identification.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Unique identifier of an identification PIN (required).
value string This field indicates the value of the PIN. This is also the value to be received from the API (required and unique, there cannot be two PINs with the same value in the database).
user_id int 64 Unique identifier of the user to which the identification PIN belongs (required and unique, there cannot be two PINs with the same user_id in the database)


Data related to alarm zones.

Field Type Description
zone int Unique identifier of an alarm zone (required).
enabled int Indicates whether the alarm input referring to zone is enabled (value 1) or not (value 0) (required).
active_level int Indicates whether the alarm input referring to the zone is configured as 'active high' (1) or 'active low' (0) (required).
alarm_delay int Alarm triggering delay time once an alarm signal has been detected in this zone (required).


Relates users to privilege levels. Contains only users who have some privilege level other than the default.

Field Type Description
user_id int 64 Unique user identifier (required).
role int If this field is set to 1, the user is an administrator (required).


Represents the access groups. In the device's native interfaces and the web interface, this type of object is referred to as department.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Unique identifier of the access group (required).
name int Access group name (required).


Relates users to access groups.

Field Type Description
user_id int 64 User identifier (required).
group_id int Access group identifier (required).


Object representing action scripts.

Field Type Description
group_id int 64 Unique identifier of the action script in the database (required).
name string Descriptive name of the action (required).
action string Action script file name (required).
parameters string Action script parameters (required).
run_at int It can take 3 values. If it is 0, the script is executed on the device that the user used for identification. If it is 1, the script is executed on all connected devices. If 2, the script is executed on the identification server (required).


Represents the areas whose access you want to control.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Unique area identifier (required).
name string Descriptive name of the area (required).


Represents portals. A portal connects two areas and has a single direction.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Unique portal identifier (required).
name string Descriptive name of the portal (required).
area_from_id int 64 Origin area identifier (required).
area_to_id int 64 Target area identifier (required).


Relates portals and actions.

Field Type Description
portal_id int 64 Portal identifier (required).
action_id int 64 Action identifier (required).


Represents access rules. The evaluation of access rules happens in the following order:

Given an access attempt, all blocking rules are evaluated before releasing rules. If one or more blocking rules have their criteria met, their actions will be executed. Only if none of the blocking rules have their criteria met, the release rules are evaluated and their actions are executed if their criteria are met.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Access rule identifier (required).
name string Descriptive name of the access rule (required).
type int Access rule type: if it is 0, it is a blocking rule, and if it is 1, it is an releasing rule (required).
priority int Reserved field (required).


Relates portals and access rules.

Field Type Description
portal_id int 64 Portal identifier (required).
access_rule_id int 64 Access rule identifier (required).


Relates groups and access rules.

Field Type Description
group_id int 64 Group identifier (required).
access_rule_id int 64 Access rule identifier (required).


Set of intervals representing the time criteria of an access rule.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Time identifier (required).
name string Descriptive name of the time (required).


One of the intervals of a time, which represents the time criteria of an access rule.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Interval identifier (required).
time_zone_id int 64 Time to which this interval belongs (required).
start int Interval start time. It is stored in seconds from 00:00 of the day. Example: 01:00 will be 3600, since 16060 = 3600. 02:00 will be 7200, since 26060 = 7200 (required).
end int Interval end time. It is stored in seconds since 0:00 of the day (required).
sun int Indicates whether the interval is active for Sundays (required).
mon int Indicates whether the interval is active for Mondays (required).
tue int Indicates whether the interval is active for Tuesdays (required).
wed int Indicates whether the interval is active for Wednesdays (required).
thu int Indicates whether the interval is active for Thursdays (required).
fri int Indicates whether the interval is active for Fridays (required).
sat int Indicates whether the interval is active for Saturdays (required).
hol1 int Indicates whether the interval is active for type 1 holidays (required).
hol2 int Indicates whether the interval is active for type 2 holidays (required).
hol3 int Indicates whether the interval is active for type 3 holidays (required).


Registers a list of cards that will be available in contingency mode for accessing the device.

Field Type Description
id int Unique card identifier, auto-incrementing (required).
value int 64 Card number authorized in contingency mode (required).


Links the access rule that will be valid for the cards that are registered in contingency_cards.

Field Type Description
access_rule_id int 64 Corresponds to the id of the access rule that will be used in contingency mode, by default it is: 1 (Access rule always released). (required).


This table contains the holidays, as well as indicates which type they belong to.

Field Type Description
id int Holiday identifier (required).
name string Descriptive name of the holiday (required).
start int The date and time the holiday begins in UNIX timestamp format (required).
end int The date and time the holiday ends in UNIX timestamp format (required).
hol1 int Whether the holiday belongs to group 1. Value is 0 or 1 (required).
hol2 int Whether the holiday belongs to group 2. Value is 0 or 1 (required).
hol3 int Whether the holiday belongs to group 3. Value is 0 or 1 (required).
repeats int Whether the holiday must repeat annually. The value is 0 or 1 (required).


Relates alarm zones and schedules.

Field Type Description
alarm_zone_id int 64 Alarm zone identifier (required).
time_zone_id int 64 Time identifier (required).


Relates access rules and schedules.

Field Type Description
access_rule_id int 64 Access rule identifier (required).
time_zone_id int 64 Time identifier (required).


Contains the device access logs.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Access log identifier (required).
time int Time of occurrence in Unix Timestamp.
event int Event type, can be:
  1. Invalid device
  2. Invalid identification rule parameters
  3. Not identified
  4. Pending Identification
  5. Identification time expired
  6. Access Denied
  7. Access Granted
  8. Pending access (used when access depends on more than one person)
  9. User is not administrator (used when a user tries to access the menu but is not an administrator)
  10. Non-identified access (when the portal is opened through the API and the reason is not informed)
  11. Access via pushbutton switch
  12. Access through WEB interface
  13. Cancel entry (iDBlock exclusive)
  14. No response (no action taken)
  15. Intercom access (iDFace exclusive)
device_id int 64 Device identifier where the access event occurred.
identifier_id int Identifier of the identification module that recorded the event in the device.
user_id int Identifier of the user involved in the occurrence.
portal_id int Identifier of the portal involved in the occurrence.
identification_rule_id int Identifier of the identification rule involved in the occurrence.
qrcode_value string Alphanumeric value of the QR Code used during identification.
pin_value string Value of the PIN used during identification.
card_value int 64 Card number used during identification.
confidence int 64 Indicates the confidence level of the recognized face. The value ranges from 0 (minimum) to 1800 (maximum)
mask int 64 Indicates whether the user is wearing a mask or not. A value of 1 indicates the presence of a mask and a value of 0 indicates that the user is not wearing a mask.
log_type_id int 64 Unique identifier of the log type, applicable for iDFlex Attendance only (attendance solution available for export only).


Access rules from an access log. The access_log_id and access_rule_id pair is unique, that is, it cannot have more than one element with the same pair of these properties.

Field Type Description
access_log_id int 64 Access log identifier (required).
access_rule_id int 64 Access rule identifier (required).


Contains the device alarm logs.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Alarm log identifier (required).
event int Type of event, can be:
  1. Alarm On
  2. Alarm Off
cause int Cause of event, can be:
  1. Alarm Zone 1
  2. Alarm Zone 2
  3. Alarm Zone 3
  4. Alarm Zone 4
  5. Alarm Zone 5
  6. Opened door
  7. Door burglary
  8. Panic Finger
  9. Device tampering
  10. Panic card
user_id int 64 Identifier of the user involved in the incident.
time int Time of occurrence in Unix Timestamp.
access_log_id int Identifier of the access log record involved in the incident.
door_id int Identifier of the port involved in the event.


Represents the device registered and recognized by the device, including the device itself. It is used in network communication between devices.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Device identifier (required).
name string Descriptive name of the device (required).
ip string Device address. Example: or (required).


Links a user to an access rule.

The user_id and access_rule_id pair are unique, that is, there cannot be more than one object in this table with the same values in these fields at the same time.

Field Type Description
user_id int Unique user identifier (required).
access_rule_id int Unique identifier of the access rule (required).


Links an area to an access rule.

The area_id and access_rule_id pair are unique, that is, there cannot be more than one object in this table with the same values in these fields at the same time.

Field Type Description
area_id int Unique area identifier (required).
access_rule_id int Unique identifier of the access rule (required).


Allows you to consult turnstile information (only applicable for iDBlock turnstiles).

Field Type Description
id int Turnstile identifier.
left_turns int 64 Corresponds to the number of revolutions to the left.
right_turns int 64 Corresponds to the number of revolutions to the right.
entrance_turns int 64 Corresponds to the number of input revolutions.
exit_turns int 64 Corresponds to the number of output revolutions.


Allows you to consult the type of log.

Field Type Description
id int Log type identifier (required).
name string Log type name (required).


Configures the external trigger module (MAE/Security Box) used in iDFlex, iDAccess Pro, iDAccess Nano, and iDFace.

Field Type Description
id int 64 id from SecBox. This value will always be 65793.
version int Corresponds to the SecBox version.
name string Corresponds to the name of SecBox.
enabled bool Indicates whether SecBox is enabled or not.
relay_timeout int This field represents the opening time of the SecBox relay in (ms).
door_sensor_enabled bool This field represents whether the door sensor is enabled or not.
door_sensor_idle bool This field represents whether the door sensor is NO = 1 or NC = 0.
auto_close_enabled int Integer (0 or 1) indicating whether the relay should close when the door sensor opens.


It allows you to manage the contacts that can be used in SIP intercom calls.

Field Type Description
id int Contact Identifier.
name string Contact Name.
number string Contact Number.


Allows you to manipulate fixed alarms times for the days of the week.

Field Type Description
id int 64 Alarm identifier (required).
name string name of the alarm ID (required).
start int alarm start time. It is stored in seconds from 00:00 of the day. Example: 01:00 will be 3600, since 16060 = 3600. 02:00 will be 7200, since 26060 = 7200 (required).
sun int Indicates whether the alarm is active for Sundays (required).
mon int Indicates whether the alarm is active for Mondays (required).
tue int Indicates whether the alarm is active for Tuesdays (required).
wed int Indicates whether the alarm is active for Wednesdays (required).
thu int Indicates whether the alarm is active for Thursdays (required).
fri int Indicates whether the alarm is active for Fridays (required).
sat int Indicates whether the alarm is active for Saturdays (required).


Tracks access events, such as doors opening and turnstile actions.


  • This record has a storage limit of 10 thousand events. When it is reached, rotation occurs and only the last 10 thousand records will be available.
Campo Tipo Descrição
id int 64 Access event identifier (required).
event string Event category, possible values are:
  • catra
  • secbox
  • door
type string Indicates event type within the category. If event is catra, the following values are accepted:
If event is door ou secbox, the possible values are:
  • OPEN
identification string If event is secbox or door, represents the identifier for the corresponding SecBox or door, if event is catra, indicates the event uuid (required).
device_id int 64 Id associated with the device which reported the event (required).
timestamp int Event timestamp in Unix Timestamp (required).


It allows you to manage the rigidity of the face identification in iDFace in order to be able to distinguish between similar faces.

Field Type Description
id int Custom threshold identifier.
user_id int Unique identifier of the user to whom the threshold value belongs (required).
threshold int User's custom threshold number (required).