Camera capture via API

The function described below must be used to perform image capture on Control iD access control terminals with face recognition.

Camera capture takes the image at a wider aperture angle than that displayed on the device's display. The HTTP method used to send the data is POST. The return is the captured image obtained by the camera, in RGB or IR (infrared) format, according to the request parameters.

POST /save_screenshot.fcgi


  • frame_type (string) : Defines that the capture will be done through the camera ("camera").
  • camera (string) : Defines whether the camera capture format is RGB ("rgb") or infrared ("ir").


  • Image captured in png format

Request example

    url: "/save_screenshot.fcgi?session=" + session,
    type: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    data: JSON.stringify({
        "frame_type": "camera",
        "camera": "rgb"